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Letter To My Son

Photo by Frans Van Heerden from Pexels

My dearest Son,

A gift to me you are not,

But a gift to the world you will be;

I knew you long before you were 

Even born,

With your name engraved in the edges

of ,my mind,

Sbusiso sake;

One thing that I pray for each day,

Is that out of everything you can

Inherit from me,

Is that you inherit the basic principles 

By which my Mother raised me,

Trust, Honesty and Respect;

The same principles iI strive for each day;

Learn to trust people you meet 

Without expecting any proof;

Be trustworthy so that people around you

May be able to engage with you openly;

The truth shall always set you free, 

As well as open doors you

Thought were too tight to open;

Therefore try your utmost best

To be honest with your words,

And your intentions towards others;

Lastly, respect everyone around you,

Irrespective of their background or 

How they may treat you;

But most importantly love and respect 


Let people see your heart and,

You will forever live in their hearts and minds;

You will not always get it right,

And many mistakes you will make;

For you is not to dwell on the 

Mistakes you have made as no one is perfect,

However, try your best to do better than you did


You are special, and

Know that Modimo le Badimo

Are always watching over you each day of your life;

Make Them proud;


Letter To My Son Letter To My Son Reviewed by K Machacha on October 22, 2021 Rating: 5

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