How to become a better person - Finding your purpose
Most of us go through life not knowing why we are here or where we are going. Our lives are determined by circumstance and chance, rather than our will and control.
Have you ever had that feeling that you should be doing more than you currently are doing with your life? Have you ever had that feeling that you are destined for something great? That there is a missing piece in your life, which is why you feel like there's a huge void that needs to be filled, with something?
Every human being goes through that moment where you just have all these questions regarding your life, but no one to answer them. Many people go to church and ask the pastor for answer. Some people go to traditional healers to consult with the bones and their ancestors. While others simply just LIVE and hope they stumble into the answer.
The honest truth is that the answer to all those questions you have lies with you. YOU need to ask those questions and YOU need to answer. Already that sounds like a mission impossible and just as retarded as pushing a brick wall and hoping it would move.

What you need to do is to find your purpose, and that's what this piece is about.
This world has produced great individuals who were so innovative that their ideas have changed and shaped the way we think/live our lives today. From Galileo (with his theories of our planet's orbit around the Sun) to Bill Gates with the Windows pc. Men such as Isaac Newton, the Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison and Einstein’s theories (which are somewhat flawed), but none the less these were men with great visions and didn't just settle for what life offered them.
See the video below of one of the great minds produced in our generation:
These are just a few names of people who have found their purpose in life and there are many more who have achieved this, so it's quite clear that it's not as impossible as you might have thought.
You don't have to be a Nobel Prize winning scientist to achieve this. You don't have to fly to the moon in order to figure out what your purpose is. The best way to achieve this which may also prove to be the most challenging is to KNOW YOURSELF. Okay, seems like some of you are lost again so let me elaborate. We all have things that we love doing or so we tell ourselves. If you don't know what you love/ like then this is going to be more hard for you to get, but don't despair.
Therefore you need to know yourself in order to be yourself. A good can be seen in Matrix trilogy, which basically starts with an ordinary man living an ordinary life, but just like you he always felt like there was more to his life than what it currently was. He then meets a man who tells him that he is 'The One'. So to cut a long story short, this poor loser ends up becoming 'The One’, (from a nobody) after embarking on a journey which led him on the path to finding himself and knowing who he truly was.
The same applies to you. The decision is yours to make whether you want to continue on the same path you are on right now, which is the same path millions of people on this planet are on and is full of stress, disappointment and doubt or you can start a new journey, one which will lead you on a path of living a fulfilled life.
You need to know who you are, what you are and what you are capable of achieving. Once you do that's when you will then find your purpose, find your love and when you do what you love that's when success follows you.
It's Life...
How to become a better person - Finding your purpose
Reviewed by K Machacha
October 14, 2011
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