I used to cheat, not only on myself; I used to flirt  and seek attention from Anyone willing to give it to me, I used to take things for...
I USED TO BE ME I USED TO BE ME Reviewed by K Machacha on October 18, 2014 Rating: 5
Who ever said God has a funny sense of humor definetly knew I didn't know up until now. We go through life with a breeze not knowing...
The life I lived The life I lived Reviewed by K Machacha on October 03, 2014 Rating: 5
This girl doesn't seem to get it,  She doesn't seem to get her own strength but I do and I'm there, I see so much of my...
I'm There I'm There Reviewed by K Machacha on September 03, 2014 Rating: 5
I have no single rose to give Nor diamonds and expensive gifts; I come to you with no promise ring For I refuse to ma...
AS I AM AS I AM Reviewed by K Machacha on February 14, 2014 Rating: 5