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I miss those days when all that mattered was me and you.

As a young adult, I look at old folks, the ones who have had their fair share of life, the ones who have been through every freedom march and I ask myself, how many times did they get bored of each other and chose to resort to social media.

Many couples nowadays tend to fall trap to the social network bug and wonder why there is complications in their relationships. If my woman upsets me I know I can always switch my phone on and in no time I will find someone who will help me take my mind off things. The same is same for her. We have endless friends lists with each so called friend there to serve a purpose.

It is interesting how we never stop and ask ourselves why do we have a specific person on our contact list. I tried that exercise once and found myself deleting people I didn't see the need of having on my contact list.

What happened to those days when two people in a relationship could sit  together in silence and not find the need to touch their phones? What happened to the times that two people would just enjoy the quiet company of one another without requiring the mental stimulus of a friend on Whatsapp or Facebook?

Many say that social media is the death of most relationships. I say we are the downfall of our own relationships and nothing enters your life if you haven't invited it.
I MISS I MISS Reviewed by K Machacha on June 08, 2015 Rating: 5

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