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What song was playing when you were conceived?

We live in a society where love is characterized by the kind of gifts that you give or the actions that you portray and I find myself at times wondering what my parents did in their young days to display their affection.

Many children grow up with strict parents whereby you don't even dare utter the words I and boyfriend/ girlfriend in the same sentence. But when you look back at how old your parents were when you were conceived it leads you to start questioning the reasoning behind their  'un-cool' nature as most teenagers would perceive.

I find myself wondering where my parents went on their first date, did my father buy my mother flowers on valentines day? Was he even a romantic? While trying to find an answer to all those questions there's always one that I always find interesting considering how times have changed since the 60s. 

Ever wonder what song your parents were jamming to when you were conceived? We have been blessed with so man talented artists who are able to take the most intimate and transfer it into a slow jam accompanied by melody and the most sultry lyrics. Did our parents listen to this kind of music or is it just our generation, the now generation that's for ever becoming inventive with everything.

Think about it, there's songs from guys like Teddy Pendergrass who would ask gently to turn off the lights and eventually he would start getting aggressive when it seems like no one is paying attention. Then there was Marvin Gaye who would whisper "Wake up, wake up, wake up" like some pervert or he would just simply tell you that he can't hold back his 'feelings' no longer. The point is most of theses artists didn't mince their words when it came to telling a woman what they wanted or how they felt, hence it is no surprise that when most guys try to treat their women to a romantic evening there will be always be a special song that he even knows every word of the song irrespective of the fact that he can sing it as well as the artist.

So this takes me back to my question, what song was playing when you were conceived or what song were you playing?
What song was playing when you were conceived? What song was playing when you were conceived? Reviewed by K Machacha on November 02, 2013 Rating: 5

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