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Everything happens for a reason

Photo supplied by: freedigitalphotos.net
Sometimes things happen in your life that you don’t seem to comprehend. One moment everything could be going so great and then one slight wrong turn and all of a sudden everything you have ever believed in or worked for can just come crashing down. You will have sleepless nights trying to find the answers and reasons for why this was happening to you without any luck. It’s like one of those sayings ‘Why do bad things happen to good people?’
The honest truth is that you won’t find the answers you are looking for right now. Many things won’t make sense to a point where you might even start thinking you were probably cursed or maybe God has foresaken you.
One thing you need to note is that life is a journey and no one ever said it was going to be an easy ride. The best you can do is keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason. You might have lost your job, your family might have disowned you, your loved one might have passed away in a fatal accident or your wife might have left you; but that doesn’t take anything away from the good person you are.

Photo supplied by: freedigitalphotos.net
Tough times are there to make us stronger and to teach us valuable lessons in life. Many people end up giving up when they can’t bare it anymore and that doesn’t go to say that they are week. We all have a limit of how much we can take and no one really knows your limit or what you are going through except for you. The best thing is to surround yourself with people that will help you get through those tough times, people that will support you and guide through your journey before you do something you might regret.

Like they say, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, so if you believe in something you shouldn’t give p on it because you don’t want to look back and wonder what could have happened had you continued on your journey. When you are down and out there is not anywhere else to go but up, but it is not going to be easy getting there. There will comes times when you feel like giving up, when there end is not near or the pain doesn’t want to go away. You just need to remind yourself why you started that journey in the first place. It sounds easier than done, but like I said it will get hard and painful but no path to greatness is ever easy.
Stay positive and keep moving forward.

It's Life...

Everything happens for a reason Everything happens for a reason Reviewed by K Machacha on May 18, 2013 Rating: 5

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