Dedication To My Inspirations
I dedicate these words to the thoughts
That gave me a vision;
The voices that kept me company;
The ears that listened to my silence
And heard music;
I dedicate these words to the powerful passion
Pouring out of my heart;
The love and compassion simmering from your souls;
The cherish and honor exalted from your being
And you tremendous support;
I dedicate these words to those who brought
Into my life and those who brought joy to my heart;
I dedicate these words to everything that put ideas
In my mind and inspired me to write;
I dedicate these words to the ones who betrayed me;
I dedicate these words to the ones who cared for me;
I dedicate these words with appreciation and gratitude;
I dedicate these words to my inspirations.
Dedication To My Inspirations
Reviewed by K Machacha
May 13, 2013
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